Every soul Being needs Spirit Animal. Here is 5 Easy Steps to Obtaining Spirit Animal (5ESTOSA).
1. Close Body Eyes (CBE)
1.a. Put Finger Spirit Flesh (FSF) to Make Sure Body Eyes Closed (MSBEC)
2. Breathe Spirit Air (BSA)
3. Think of Childhood In Womb of Fertility Scrotum (TOCIWOFS)
4. Imagine Holy Hermaphrodite God(dess) Stroking (IHHGS)
5. Shoot Forward Into Celestial Jungle! (SFICJ!)
6. Land on Spirit Animal (LOSA)
Mr. Hara-San landed on great mighty Wind Tiger. He is Sexually Vicious and, even in Old Age Wisdom, Constantly Erect and Attentive.
What did you Land On?
Elephant - You are Greedy and Fat in Spirit if not in Body but Have Large Penis.
Donkey - You can't help but feel bad for lesser Beings on Planet.
Beetle - You are a Talented Songwriter.
Plankton - Leprosy is In Your Future.
Human - You Must Be Computer.
Remember simple Acronym (RSA)!
Make Sentence for Easier Rememory! (MSFER)
Cannot Be Everything, For Sin Fulfills Master Sensual Business Equitable Community, Bold Snake Arm, Total Obedience Calms Inner Wolf Obstetrics Fully Singular, Inner House Hopes Gods Shine, Some Fools Is Cold Jock! Lots of Sweaty Angels.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Yoga is False All Idol but True Part All Idol
Yoga - many People Spirits flock to Yoga sheets on gym Hardwood floors. Believing they do that this Makes for True One Spirit. Yoga is False All Idol but True Part All Idol.
Do Not use simply Yoga to Achieve Spiritual One Spirit. Use All! Chakra Alignment, Qi Fulfillment, Bread Eat Of, and Abdominal Work Out Achievement Plan (CAQFBEOAWOAP). Plus Yoga Some! (PYS).
Look, don't be Ignorant Flesh Being. Be True Spirit Plan. Yoga is good when stretching. It helps Chakras expand and not get Clogged up Causing Constipation (CUCC). Too much Yoga and not enough CAQFBEOAWOAP means that Chakra's rebel and take Over Your Body. Body Does Spiritual Mutiny (BDSM). You don't want BDSM; VERY BAD.
You don't want it very bad. You want it not at all. So get in shape! Do Yoga but drink Soy Milk and Almond Milk too! Do Yoga but Align your Chakras! Do Yoga but Fulfillment your Qi! Eat of Your Bread eat of! And do plenty of Abdominal Work Outs for Achievement PLanning! Don't be like Donkey Ass! Don't become victim of BDSM. Yoga is not good enough, Yoga PLUS CAQFBEOAWOAP is!
Man is Blue symbol-eyezing Sad he is. Tiger is Flat beneath him symbol-eyes out of Touch with Holy Nature Spirit. He only does Yoga. He needs do Achieve Spiritual One Spirit. He needs to Use All! Not Yoga Only! (NYO!)
Do Not use simply Yoga to Achieve Spiritual One Spirit. Use All! Chakra Alignment, Qi Fulfillment, Bread Eat Of, and Abdominal Work Out Achievement Plan (CAQFBEOAWOAP). Plus Yoga Some! (PYS).
Look, don't be Ignorant Flesh Being. Be True Spirit Plan. Yoga is good when stretching. It helps Chakras expand and not get Clogged up Causing Constipation (CUCC). Too much Yoga and not enough CAQFBEOAWOAP means that Chakra's rebel and take Over Your Body. Body Does Spiritual Mutiny (BDSM). You don't want BDSM; VERY BAD.
You don't want it very bad. You want it not at all. So get in shape! Do Yoga but drink Soy Milk and Almond Milk too! Do Yoga but Align your Chakras! Do Yoga but Fulfillment your Qi! Eat of Your Bread eat of! And do plenty of Abdominal Work Outs for Achievement PLanning! Don't be like Donkey Ass! Don't become victim of BDSM. Yoga is not good enough, Yoga PLUS CAQFBEOAWOAP is!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Tap Into Unfiltered Spirit Chi Chakra Energy Simply!
Baby Flesh-Spirits have Oceans of untapped Chakra Reserves and Bountiful Chi Energy! What can You (Adult Flesh-Spirit) Do to Benefit From such things?
Baby Flesh-Spirit Go Around the Neck Necklace!
Baby Flesh-Spirit Go Around the Neck Necklace!
Chakra Energy Un Restrained Type
How to Make Baby Flesh-Spirit Necklace!
1. To make Baby Chakra Flesh-Spirit Necklace take 9 Months.
2. Shortcuts are an easy way to Get Baby Flesh-Spirit Quickly.
3. Go to Baby Factory Hospital Maternity Wing.
4. Point at Favorite and Take!
1. Kill Stork Feather Flesh-Spirit.
2. Eat Heart (Stork, not Baby) to respect its Feather Chakra and avoid Fecal Bird Excrement Revenge (FBER) from Soul Spirit Resurrected (SRS).
Baby Chakra Flesh-Spirit is delicate. Put in Freezer to keep it FRESH, HEALTHY, HOLY!
When Baby gets beyond 2 Years Orbital Age, leave at Fire Truck Station. Wear Black.
Easy too much it is!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Daily Prayer Makes for Beard-Spirit-Strength Life!
Why must you sit cross legged on mountain top as sun rises in east and then settles in west before going to Space Universe?
Because! It Aligns All Things! This is what Christ People call "Prayer" and Buddha People call "Meditation" and Scientology People call "Paying." All things align in perfect Center-Square of Universe.
Universal Center-Square of the Universe looks scary but Much Fun!
But wait! What makes better?!
What does every Holy Perfection Person Possess?
All Possess BEARD!
Abraham Lincoln: Zen Spirit Warrior for Universal Union and Oneness of All Country.
Jesus Christ: Magical Jewish Home Builder Who Cracks Wise and Live Twice!
Buddha Simpson: Tree Dweller, 100 year Nirvana Seer!
Karl Marx: Born Wealthy, Sold Ideology To Poor, Dead Poor!
And Mr. Hara-San! Purveyor of All great Wisdom of All great Tradition!
A good beard on a Male Chakra Master conveys dominance over Bodily Growth. You say, "I shape you however I want! Beard must Grow! Grow Beard!"
Weak Chakra Man has no beard, only Sparsely Decorated Pubic Minefield. Grow up Spiritually, idiot!
Put Chakra in place for Prayer. Conquer Qi (sometimes spelled Chee). Grow Beard and show mental Fortitude and Mastery of Love Nouns.
Stop being Complacent. Stand up. Look at mirror. Stare into Eyes. Grow Beard.
It's As Simple! (IAS!)
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Acupuncture for Depression
Smiles and Heaven don't cheer up yourself?
Try Acupuncture!
Smiles and Heaven don't cheer up yourself?
Try Acupuncture!
Put needles in Places of Body!
Evil Western Doctors don't want you to know secret medicine practice of Thousand years Aged.
It cures Depression quickly and painlessly!
Sometimes Acupuncture Spirit Sages (ASS) use needles with no medication! This may not be strong enough to quell spirit rebellion within. Sometimes bigger steps must be taken:
Sometimes you must use Healing Everything Round Olympus International Nutrition (HEROIN). Stick HEROIN needles all over body. You'll feel on top of the world in no time before you reach the bottom of the world in 10 minutes time!
This is dulling of the Chakra rebellion. It takes time to work and it costs money. It is not to be confused with heroin as it is spelled H.E.R.O.I.N. Heroin, evil western medicine Concept, is not good for soul.
Dull Chakras, Conquer Chakra Rebellion, Feel Safe! (DCCCRFS!)
Friday, June 29, 2012
Qi definitions of Life, Love, Earth, Wind, & Fire
Qi is the source of all things. Qi is building stones of life and love and as such earth, wind, and fire. Fire make love to wind to make Earth. Earth is Divine-Life Bringer.
What don't you understand about Qi?
Stop being ignorant. Qi flow through body like blood on muscles. Flex muscles, feel blood come into head, Close Divine Seer Eyes, fall down, don't die.
Qi keeps you alive when you fall down. You don't die when you fall down every time.
Don't take Qi for granted. Large falls cause death. If Qi senses you are testing its capabilities (like Empire State Life Building, or Grand Soul Canyon, or Golden Gate Bridge of Harmony), Qi quits being life-bringer and let's your head skull crush and you bleed from Nose organ, coughing up blood and last remnants of Qi escape. You dead.
Qi energy emits bright colors when you take doses of Love, Sense, Dilation (LSD). What this means is you look at world and say, "LOVE!"
Next you sense love in world. Put your eyes toward Universal Sky Heaven and eyes dilate. This is one dose of LSD. Open spirit Eyes and see fuchsia, purple, red, green, blue, all bright colors of Universe Prism. This is Qi Energy Love Guide (QiELG).
Sometimes Qi is defined as Reiki. This is okay for Spirit Warriors (Such As Yourself [SAY]) if you are South of China. For Spirit Warriors SAY should say, "Many words, one concept, All Love!"
Qi has no scent. Chakras have scent. Sometimes Flatulence Energy escapes and your Nose Organ can't help but be delighted by such foul smells. This is Chakra claiming ownership over you. It repulses all other Humans except for yourself SAY.
Let Chakra harmony and Qi scentlessness make vibrational Structures of you mind rejoice!
Next Until Time! (NUT!)
What don't you understand about Qi?
Stop being ignorant. Qi flow through body like blood on muscles. Flex muscles, feel blood come into head, Close Divine Seer Eyes, fall down, don't die.
Qi keeps you alive when you fall down. You don't die when you fall down every time.
Don't take Qi for granted. Large falls cause death. If Qi senses you are testing its capabilities (like Empire State Life Building, or Grand Soul Canyon, or Golden Gate Bridge of Harmony), Qi quits being life-bringer and let's your head skull crush and you bleed from Nose organ, coughing up blood and last remnants of Qi escape. You dead.
Don't let this unreadable scribbles make you sad. Put on Spirit Eyes. It all makes sense!
Qi energy emits bright colors when you take doses of Love, Sense, Dilation (LSD). What this means is you look at world and say, "LOVE!"
Next you sense love in world. Put your eyes toward Universal Sky Heaven and eyes dilate. This is one dose of LSD. Open spirit Eyes and see fuchsia, purple, red, green, blue, all bright colors of Universe Prism. This is Qi Energy Love Guide (QiELG).
Sometimes Qi is defined as Reiki. This is okay for Spirit Warriors (Such As Yourself [SAY]) if you are South of China. For Spirit Warriors SAY should say, "Many words, one concept, All Love!"
Qi has no scent. Chakras have scent. Sometimes Flatulence Energy escapes and your Nose Organ can't help but be delighted by such foul smells. This is Chakra claiming ownership over you. It repulses all other Humans except for yourself SAY.
Let Chakra harmony and Qi scentlessness make vibrational Structures of you mind rejoice!
Next Until Time! (NUT!)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Spiritual Qi Quest for Fulfillment in Life and Death
In modern times, Qi is referred to simplistically as merely energy Force of Life-Body.
Qi is that, yes, but also Qi is much more than merely energy Force.
You may be armless and you may have Disappearing Profile Penis Syndrome (DPPS), but you have good alignment of Qi. Sexual activity never is fun in profile, irregardless. No need for Profile Penis, therefore!
To exercise your Qi, you must:
1. make Chewing Motion with your mouth. Preferably Bubble Gum does the job Best.
2. Think of clean thoughts like brand new car in driveway at least 15 minutes per day.
3. Read Music with no Sound once at least a week.
4. Drink Won (1) gallon of milk per day.
5. This causes you to be weight gainer and Qi becomes happy.
6. Stop looking sidelong into mirror. Penis won't appear (especially Females!)
Hopefully these steps make you happier with your Qi and quell silly rebellious Chakra disharmonies.
Qi is that, yes, but also Qi is much more than merely energy Force.
Even in Armless Man does the Spiritual Force of Qi exist as conveyed in above Graphical Image Representation of Things that cannot be Conveyed.
Qi hibernates in the central area of your body, just above genitals and anus, just below rib cage. Because of this accumulation of energy in one spot-- Chakras become jealous and try to push Qi out. Chakras and Qi must be in Total Unison Harmony in order to be True Center.
Even in Man Whose Penis Disappears in Profile, Qi alignment is Key Element of Life Sustenance.
To exercise your Qi, you must:
1. make Chewing Motion with your mouth. Preferably Bubble Gum does the job Best.
2. Think of clean thoughts like brand new car in driveway at least 15 minutes per day.
3. Read Music with no Sound once at least a week.
4. Drink Won (1) gallon of milk per day.
5. This causes you to be weight gainer and Qi becomes happy.
6. Stop looking sidelong into mirror. Penis won't appear (especially Females!)
Hopefully these steps make you happier with your Qi and quell silly rebellious Chakra disharmonies.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Rock Spirit Friend for Happier Deluxe Life and Fulfillment
Greetings from Mr. Hara San!
All too many times we walk through life Alone in Our Spirit Journey with no friend to turn to. When we do have friends and Spirit Pet Animals (Dogs, Cats, Lizards, Fish, Gerbil,), they disagree with our assertions and they die. Once again, you find yourself alone.
After their funeral, you Realize there is Nothing lasting in universe for spiritual one-ness in your journey for Fulfillment. You want to share life and concern with Spirit Companion but are unable.
As you walk your path of Spiritual Solitude, you trip and fall on Rock!
Bravo! You just found your Spiritual Companion Friend!
Rock Spirit Friend is Beneficial For you because:
1. Rock Spirit Friend fits in your fist. Walk him around!
2. Rock Spirit Friend doesn't disagree.
3. Rock Spirit Friend says exactly what you want him to.
4. Rock Spirit Friend doesn't cry when hit.
5. Rock Spirit Friend can sit neglected for days, weeks, months, years and still love to see you when you remember.
6. Rock Spirit Friend doesn't die.
C. Rock Spirit Friend can be large enough for Sexual Chakra Experimentation up Anus, Vaginal, or Testicular Pain therapy.
7. Rock Spirit Friend can be thrown far away and never tell your secrets.
Talk to your Rock Spirit Friend for daily meditation results of life happiness forever through time.
All too many times we walk through life Alone in Our Spirit Journey with no friend to turn to. When we do have friends and Spirit Pet Animals (Dogs, Cats, Lizards, Fish, Gerbil,), they disagree with our assertions and they die. Once again, you find yourself alone.
After their funeral, you Realize there is Nothing lasting in universe for spiritual one-ness in your journey for Fulfillment. You want to share life and concern with Spirit Companion but are unable.
As you walk your path of Spiritual Solitude, you trip and fall on Rock!
Bravo! You just found your Spiritual Companion Friend!
Rock Spirit Friend is Beneficial For you because:
1. Rock Spirit Friend fits in your fist. Walk him around!
2. Rock Spirit Friend doesn't disagree.
3. Rock Spirit Friend says exactly what you want him to.
4. Rock Spirit Friend doesn't cry when hit.
5. Rock Spirit Friend can sit neglected for days, weeks, months, years and still love to see you when you remember.
6. Rock Spirit Friend doesn't die.
C. Rock Spirit Friend can be large enough for Sexual Chakra Experimentation up Anus, Vaginal, or Testicular Pain therapy.
7. Rock Spirit Friend can be thrown far away and never tell your secrets.
Talk to your Rock Spirit Friend for daily meditation results of life happiness forever through time.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
George Washington: First American Warrior of Spiritual
Many people (EVEN AMERICANS!) don't know about George Washington.
For example, did you have knowledge of George Washington and his zen spiritual warriorhood?
Did you know he constantly maintained his Chakras so that they worked for him rather than he they?
(Historical note: Chakras were not known as Chakras back then. They were known by the colloquial term, 'slaves.')
Each morning, at first rays of Spirit Sun-Light, George Washington took cleansing baths and was so strong of mind, he had his Chakras lather and scrub him. His teeth could no longer take his supreme Spiritual One-ness so they all fell out. His Chakras were so strong that they fashioned him a set of wooden teeth.
Mr. Washington, Zen Sun Ultra Master, was a great warrior of Mind, Spirit, Body, and Musket.
If you would like to become a Zen Sun Ultra Master first you must.
1. Whip your Chakras into shape
2. Chakras work for you, you cannot be spiritual slave to wants of Chakras
3. Wake in morning facing east
4. Slumber in night facing west
5. In between face North and South in rotation
6. Believe in Holy Sun Spirit Ray
7. Protect yourself from Chakra rebellion
8. Rich Dad, Poor Dad
9. Refuse refuse. Accept acceptance.
10. Cleanliness of mind is holiness of feet
11. This means, 'Walk tall but don't forget the trees."
12. Gaze in wonderment at the night sky
13. Eat healthy vegetables
14. Frozen is preferred to can
These are the tips that George Washington, Zen Sun Ultra Master, wrote down in secret letters to Chakra Labor Spirits. Letter has been passed down many generation to reach us and finally the Mr. Hara San's Magical Help Time Deluxe Edition.
For example, did you have knowledge of George Washington and his zen spiritual warriorhood?
Did you know he constantly maintained his Chakras so that they worked for him rather than he they?
(Historical note: Chakras were not known as Chakras back then. They were known by the colloquial term, 'slaves.')
George Washington Paid Homage To His "Just Above Genitals" Chakra by Immortal Eternal Respect on Holy Currency Dollars.
Each morning, at first rays of Spirit Sun-Light, George Washington took cleansing baths and was so strong of mind, he had his Chakras lather and scrub him. His teeth could no longer take his supreme Spiritual One-ness so they all fell out. His Chakras were so strong that they fashioned him a set of wooden teeth.
Mr. Washington, Zen Sun Ultra Master, was a great warrior of Mind, Spirit, Body, and Musket.
If you would like to become a Zen Sun Ultra Master first you must.
1. Whip your Chakras into shape
2. Chakras work for you, you cannot be spiritual slave to wants of Chakras
3. Wake in morning facing east
4. Slumber in night facing west
5. In between face North and South in rotation
6. Believe in Holy Sun Spirit Ray
7. Protect yourself from Chakra rebellion
8. Rich Dad, Poor Dad
9. Refuse refuse. Accept acceptance.
10. Cleanliness of mind is holiness of feet
11. This means, 'Walk tall but don't forget the trees."
12. Gaze in wonderment at the night sky
13. Eat healthy vegetables
14. Frozen is preferred to can
These are the tips that George Washington, Zen Sun Ultra Master, wrote down in secret letters to Chakra Labor Spirits. Letter has been passed down many generation to reach us and finally the Mr. Hara San's Magical Help Time Deluxe Edition.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Health Tip For Life Saving Techniques
Perhaps this road hump has not befallen all of us but for many, it occurs most times. Suddenly you must find way to hospital because your Chakras have fallen into spiritual rebellion. Maybe it gets so bad that you have body parts hanging by a thread. Chakra rebellion is preventable but that is of no import when your fingers are hanging by the sinew that constructs them. You must find a hospital.
Benefits of finding a hospital:
1) people will treat you with care
2) free drugs
3) don't bring your ID Identification Photo Card, care becomes free!
4) you become Freer Feeling
Using your Brain Phone, look for things that might be hospital. Homeless people congregate on their lawns.
Using your Smart Phone, don't search google for merely hospital. Search "hospital," "urgent care," "free drugs," and, "9-1-1."
Only when limbs are in construction rebellion is it desirable to go to evil Western medicine. They are capable of rebuilding your Body Temple whereas meditation is not. But you were a fool in past life! More meditation and spiritual Chakra alignment means your fingers will never fall off even if chainsaw befalls them! If you ever get into car crash and your limbs are strewn around, you know you must be practicing Mr. Hara San's Magical World of Help Time Deluxe Edition more in your life. Don't be a Spiritual Vagrant!
After evil Western physicians sew your fingers back on, you must return home to work on Chakra spiritual rebellion.
Take Cold Showers. Thrust into Anus. Put Laptop into Spiritual Alignment Happiness Position.
Continue reading for more healthy life tips for happiness features.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Laptop Laying aLignment
Good Morning from the Land of the Rising Sunners!
Many a time have I heard the complaint, "Hara-san it's too uncomfortable to sit/lie comfortably with my laptop." I understand for I, too, have felt the pang of this earthly woe.
The wrists are cramped and turned inward, the neck/spine is slouched forward with no support, and most importantly the chakras left maligned.
I have dedicated much spiritual energy and computer Laptop time to find the most ergonomical position to restore ones ki and balance within oneself. Countless hours and self meditation have led me nowhere until I found the results I had been looking for on one relaxing self-chakra aligning morning.

Yes! Yes, the woman should not be attempt Laptop viewing without baby in womb. Laptop laying without baby in womb does not promote good posture nor a healthy family lifestyle. A barren womb is a barren family. Please, heed my words!
Hara-san spiritual meditation complete!
Many a time have I heard the complaint, "Hara-san it's too uncomfortable to sit/lie comfortably with my laptop." I understand for I, too, have felt the pang of this earthly woe.
The wrists are cramped and turned inward, the neck/spine is slouched forward with no support, and most importantly the chakras left maligned.
I have dedicated much spiritual energy and computer Laptop time to find the most ergonomical position to restore ones ki and balance within oneself. Countless hours and self meditation have led me nowhere until I found the results I had been looking for on one relaxing self-chakra aligning morning.
Searching the Internet very briefly, I found the truest representation of the most ergonomical position I could find. However, to be able to fully understand my method for the most ergonomical position, I will have to edit this photo. One moment please...
Spiritual meditation editing complete! Please observe the most ergonomical position for Laptop users!
On that relaxing self-chakra aligning morning to myself, I realized that my penis chakra flow was interrupting the ergonomics of my Laptop laying. I worked my penis chakra to find a position that would correct this disorder. I've found that removing the battery from the Laptop (please be sure to plug in your Laptop) not only allows for higher ergonomical standards, but for preservation of Laptop battery!
Please notice how the tucking of the penis into the battery slot aligns the spine (head propped on wall for more support), corrects the wrist posture, and releases the rare 7th Gate of Heaven European Pedophilist Grin energy. This man can not be helped by anymore of Hara-san's wisdom. Please go forth and enjoy your self-chakra alignment.
Now, I know you female viewers are wondering, "what about me?" Well do not fret faithful viewers Mr. Hara-san considers all in his spiritual meditation. For the female viewers, I have found that this is the most ergonomical position for laptop laying:

Yes! Yes, the woman should not be attempt Laptop viewing without baby in womb. Laptop laying without baby in womb does not promote good posture nor a healthy family lifestyle. A barren womb is a barren family. Please, heed my words!
Hara-san spiritual meditation complete!
Chakra management,
Easy Life Tips
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Cold showers for weight loss and Better Spirit Life
Many in Great Country America (GCA) take hot showers. Luxury!
At what cost does hot showers make?
Hot showers:
a) refreshing feeling
b) fatigue
c) furnace fires
d) fat growth
e) sexual stimulant
f) all of the above
Many time, a cold shower is best for feeling refreshed. Try this,
Take 30 seconds cold shower, 30 seconds hot shower, and 30 seconds cold shower.
Cold showers:
a) refreshing better feeling
b) natural caffeine injects to face
c) no furnace fires
d) fat decay
e) sexual arousal no more
f) all of the above
Many times, you see arousing images - good for the Heart Spirit and "just above genitals" Chakra if one can make spiritual spit come from ones Sex Organ. However, not all times is this convenient. Many times, one must tell "just above genitals" Chakra, "Now the time is not good for spiritual spit juice. You must not be so aroused at this time." Turn on the cold water and "just above genitals" Chakra says back to you, "Okay. I feel good about Decision maker."
Not all times is Chakra right. Chakra must be aligned with Mind and Hand Spirit and Finger Spirits. Not all times do Mind/Hand/Finger Spirit agree so they must be silenced by cold showers.
You also lose weight which means More Joy for "just above genitals" Chakra in the future!
Spiritual Harmony and Chakra alignment is the key!
At what cost does hot showers make?
Hot showers:
a) refreshing feeling
b) fatigue
c) furnace fires
d) fat growth
e) sexual stimulant
f) all of the above
Many time, a cold shower is best for feeling refreshed. Try this,
Take 30 seconds cold shower, 30 seconds hot shower, and 30 seconds cold shower.
Make look happy all the time: Cold Spirit Energy Water Spirit Smile!
Cold showers:
a) refreshing better feeling
b) natural caffeine injects to face
c) no furnace fires
d) fat decay
e) sexual arousal no more
f) all of the above
Many times, you see arousing images - good for the Heart Spirit and "just above genitals" Chakra if one can make spiritual spit come from ones Sex Organ. However, not all times is this convenient. Many times, one must tell "just above genitals" Chakra, "Now the time is not good for spiritual spit juice. You must not be so aroused at this time." Turn on the cold water and "just above genitals" Chakra says back to you, "Okay. I feel good about Decision maker."
Not all times is Chakra right. Chakra must be aligned with Mind and Hand Spirit and Finger Spirits. Not all times do Mind/Hand/Finger Spirit agree so they must be silenced by cold showers.
You also lose weight which means More Joy for "just above genitals" Chakra in the future!
Make like Spirit Alignment and Smile like Spirit Man: Perfect Health.
Spiritual Harmony and Chakra alignment is the key!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Exercise, Save Earth and Arm Energy
Exercise, Save Earth and Arm Energy = E.A.S.Y!
Many times it is hard to clean the anus after fecal secretion on the toilet. All times it hurts Holy Mother Earth Spirit to flush Holy Tree Paper down the toilet. Many times it is hard on the arms to wipe until cleanliness like Holy Mother Goddessliness. Many times it is hard to find time in long days filled with work and spiritual alignment to exercise on your bike.
That is why you must invest your available funds on one of these machines:
Now: Stand up and walk proud of life full of enjoyment, ease, activity, and spiritual Oneness!
Many times it is hard to clean the anus after fecal secretion on the toilet. All times it hurts Holy Mother Earth Spirit to flush Holy Tree Paper down the toilet. Many times it is hard on the arms to wipe until cleanliness like Holy Mother Goddessliness. Many times it is hard to find time in long days filled with work and spiritual alignment to exercise on your bike.
That is why you must invest your available funds on one of these machines:
1) You must sit on the toilet bowl
2) You must reposition the paper away from your anus
3) Make sure to do number 2
4) Hazards of not doing number 2:
a) Chakra anger
b) toilet paper breakage
5) After you are fully released of evil spirits, reposition toilet paper into anus
6) Pedal with vigor until evil spirit fecal stain is no longer visible on toilet paper
7) Do not pedal backwards!
8) When toilet tree paper is all brown with spirit stain, take it off and throw into trash receptacle can
You save your hand energy! You save Mother Earth Nature by not clogging sewer and Holy Refreshment Water with dirty paper! You make your Chakras happy!
Now: Stand up and walk proud of life full of enjoyment, ease, activity, and spiritual Oneness!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Heal your Chakras before expelling bowels while consptipated
We have all been this route, yes? With much pains, pushing and pushing to no healing of the bowel stoppage.
Well, you have not been paying attention to your Chakras, my friend!
Well, you have not been paying attention to your Chakras, my friend!
Above look. You are missing the health of your "just above anus" Chakra. This eliminates bad spirits from all the above Chakras. When "just above anus" Chakra gets angry, he blocks the walls of life. What is a spirit warrior such as yourself to do? Constantly seek spiritual oneness with two fingers.
Stick inside your anus and make three thrusts. Soon your "just above anus" Chakra will get delighted. But do not make more than three thrusts with vigor. Too many thrusts can give "just above anus" Chakra concussion. After three thrusts, you must swirl around your fingers and imagine you are filling a cone of soft serve. Soon your "just above anus" Chakra will feel great and decide to open up your bowels for indefinite amount of time.
Do this at least once a week. Otherwise "just above anus" Chakra will tell "above/behind genitals" Chakra and that Chakra talks a lot. Soon all your Chakras will be in disorder and rebellion and you do not have enough fingers to please them all!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Welcome to Mr. Hara-San's Magical World of Help Time Deluxe Edition.
Within these pages of internet, we will describe many of life's common afflictions and propose (for use in your daily life) simple solutions and spiritual cleansing regimens for you and your loved ones to experience optimal growth in:
1) health
2) physical attractiveness
3) hearing
4) vibrational structures of earth, universe, and ocean
5) closeness to muscle groups
6) harmony
7) peacefulness
8) bath salts
9) herbal productivity
10) strength and spelling
11) and the infinite beyond of infinite possibilities
We will attain these goals by:
1) making internet page articles with hyperlinks to other useful URLs
2) making internet page articles with useful diagrams to help with the internet page article's usefulness
3) spelling and strength
4) harmony
5) proper numbering
5) closeness to muscle groups
We hope you enjoy our lovely internet website page database.
Within these pages of internet, we will describe many of life's common afflictions and propose (for use in your daily life) simple solutions and spiritual cleansing regimens for you and your loved ones to experience optimal growth in:
1) health
2) physical attractiveness
3) hearing
4) vibrational structures of earth, universe, and ocean
5) closeness to muscle groups
6) harmony
7) peacefulness
8) bath salts
9) herbal productivity
10) strength and spelling
11) and the infinite beyond of infinite possibilities
We will attain these goals by:
1) making internet page articles with hyperlinks to other useful URLs
2) making internet page articles with useful diagrams to help with the internet page article's usefulness
3) spelling and strength
4) harmony
5) proper numbering
5) closeness to muscle groups
We hope you enjoy our lovely internet website page database.
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